I make videos about old pro wrestling shoots

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Tuc Ouiner

Posting Machine
May 19, 2016
To be perfectly honest these old 'rasslin shoots are the best thing about tmmac. Could you possibly unearth some Gotsch or contemporaries, Inoki or god forbid some F. Burns stuff? If not. How 'bout Hackenschmidt? The great Gama? I'm not very techy. Thx.

Tuc Ouiner

Posting Machine
May 19, 2016
Thought the TK/Raven fight was a work though. The tap seemed a little premature IMO. I'm sure the Yakuza made some money there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2020
Hi friends, I want to share my review about Blastup's instagram likes platform, which is claimed to help in promoting videos on Instagram. First, I would like to point out the positive aspects. Indeed, buying likes can give your video visibility and attract the attention of new subscribers. I used this service and the results were noticeable within a short time. However, it is worth remembering that such services can have their risks. First, the quality of likes can vary, and not all of them may be from real active users. This can affect the overall perception of your account. Secondly, it's worth considering Instagram's policies and the possible consequences of using such services. In some cases, it can lead to account blocking or even deletion. So, if you decide to use blastup, be careful, choose services wisely and do not forget about possible risks. It is best to supplement the purchase of likes with organic growth to create a more reliable and active audience. Good luck with your promotion!
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